全部社交互动项目 - Summer

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322 结果 发现
  • 11世纪的大教堂

    查看更多: + 11世纪的大教堂
  • 击鼓活动

    为您的公司活动增添异国风情,充满激情、节奏和乐趣,Stephan Rigert将带领您的团队进入充满生机与活力的击鼓世界。
    查看更多: + 击鼓活动
  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland

    In Western Switzerland, the scavenger hunt is available in Lausanne and Jura. The fox invites you to search for tricky clues in both the Olympic capital and the hilly Jura. Participants must have all their wits about them and use various means of transport to keep up with the fox.
    查看更多: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland
  • 阿尔卑斯山特色活动

    查看更多: + 阿尔卑斯山特色活动
  • "Tatort" murder mystery

    Immerse yourself in a story wit plenty of fun, games and excitement. Each mystery game tells a different story that puts you and your guests at the centre of the action.
    查看更多: + "Tatort" murder mystery
  • Amazing Race Geneva

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    查看更多: + Amazing Race Geneva
  • 劳彭城堡

    查看更多: + 劳彭城堡
  • Rätia Ampla城堡-歌剧院和文化之城

    Rätia Ampla城堡约建于1250年,作为举行会议和监狱的场地,自2006年以来一直是阿尔卑斯删去最具特色的文化设施场所之一。目前作为一个剧院使用,城堡主办过的格劳宾登州最大戏剧和文化节:奥利金文化节。
    查看更多: + Rätia Ampla城堡-歌剧院和文化之城
  • Kronberg定索公园

    查看更多: + Kronberg定索公园
  • 趣味森林

    查看更多: + 趣味森林
  • 多么美味的奶酪啊!——l'Etivaz AOC

    因为这种产自沃州的莱提瓦奶酪(l'Etivaz AOC)必须使用最新鲜的牛奶才能做出做好的味道,所以它是直接在山上做的——当然,去参观制作过程的游客们是很受欢迎的。
    查看更多: + 多么美味的奶酪啊!——l'Etivaz AOC
  • 瓦伦湖巡游

    查看更多: + 瓦伦湖巡游
  • Amazing Race St. Gallen

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    查看更多: + Amazing Race St. Gallen
  • 魔塔拉山的山间餐饮

    查看更多: + 魔塔拉山的山间餐饮
  • 楚格湖巡游

    查看更多: + 楚格湖巡游
  • The Kambly Experience

    The Kambly Experience at Trubschachen is an exciting venue for the senses, where visitors can discover the secrets behind the art of baking quality biscuits, explore the origins of Kambly and savour moments of sweet delight.
    查看更多: + The Kambly Experience
  • Treasure Hunt through Basel's Old Town

    Our special offers for groups give you and your guests a unique experience in and around Basel. Whether sporty, cultural or culinary, Basel Tourism has the perfect offering for your event. As your contact partner, we’ll assist you with all of your wishes and questions. Leave the organization of your team event to us and book one of our diverse experience packages for groups.
    查看更多: + Treasure Hunt through Basel's Old Town
  • 巴塞尔的城市艺术

    查看更多: + 巴塞尔的城市艺术
  • 纳沙泰尔湖三湖巡游

    查看更多: + 纳沙泰尔湖三湖巡游
  • 卢加诺艺术文化中心(LAC)

    自2015年9月起,卢加诺艺术文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)为来自瑞士南部的当代艺术创作提供了一个重要平台。提契诺建筑师伊凡诺·吉亚诺拉(Ivano Gianola)设计的这座建筑面积达2500平方米,还拥有一座可容纳1000名观众的现代化剧院和音乐厅。
    查看更多: + 卢加诺艺术文化中心(LAC)