Boasting a central location in the heart of Lucerne, the Bourbaki Panorama is a very special venue. The museum rooms and other spaces around the listed building offer unique opportunities for staging events.
This text is provided and updated by the owner of the accommodation. Switzerland Tourism, therefore, takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.
这座于2000年彻底整修后的圆形建筑中珍藏着Edouard Castres1881年创作的环形壁画。这幅10米高、112米长的环形壁画描绘的是1870/71年普法战争期间法国军队在布尔巴基将军的率领下穿越瑞士的情景。整修后的琉森布尔巴基全景馆变成了一座独特的文化会议中心,拥有餐馆、影院、博物馆、美术馆和商店。