Typically Swiss Hotels in 琉森(卢塞恩)湖区(Lucerne – Lake Lucerne Region)

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  • 英格堡-铁力士山(Engelberg - Titlis) 特吕布湖高山酒店(Berghotel Trübsee) l Stars

    查看更多: 特吕布湖高山酒店(Berghotel Trübsee)
  • Kriens 皮拉图斯库尔姆酒店(Hotel Pilatus-Kulm) 4 Stars

    查看更多: 皮拉图斯库尔姆酒店(Hotel Pilatus-Kulm)
  • Kastanienbaum Seehotel Kastanienbaum

    查看更多: Seehotel Kastanienbaum
3 结果 发现
  • 特吕布湖高山酒店(Berghotel Trübsee)

    正如酒店名字的含义一样:特吕布湖高山酒店(Berghotel Trübsee)位于湖畔,四周高山环绕。酒店位于英格堡和铁力士山顶站之间——只能乘坐厢式缆车前往。在这里,夏季湖滨美丽的环游步道和游乐场吸引着游客,冬季则为游客准备了多种多样的滑雪道。傍晚时分,当最后一部厢式缆车返回山下以后,周围的静谧和满天的繁星就只属于酒店的客人!
    查看更多: + 特吕布湖高山酒店(Berghotel Trübsee)
  • 皮拉图斯库尔姆酒店(Hotel Pilatus-Kulm)

    查看更多: + 皮拉图斯库尔姆酒店(Hotel Pilatus-Kulm)
  • Seehotel Kastanienbaum

    Elegant lakeside hotel with a magnificent view. 42 stylish rooms, most of them with a balcony and a view of the lake and mountains. Conference rooms for up to 120 persons. The restaurant features a classical seasonal cuisine with fish specialities, and an attractive pavilion annex. Wellness facility with sauna and steam bath, different treatments, outdoor pool, sunbathing area, and private beach. The city center of Lucerne can be reached in a mere 10 minutes from the hotel and its calm surroundings on the Horw peninsula.
    查看更多: + Seehotel Kastanienbaum