Locations at the water in 琉森(卢塞恩)湖区(Lucerne – Lake Lucerne Region)

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  • 菲茨瑙(Vitznau) Park Hotel Vitznau 5 Stars

    查看更多: Park Hotel Vitznau
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  • Park Hotel Vitznau

    The 5-star superior hotel is more resplendent today than ever before in its 110 year history. Following a 3 year renovation period, the hotel impresses with its dreamy location right on the banks of Lake Lucerne at the heart of Switzerland, complete with magnificent panoramic views and luxury service. Plus 47 junior suites, suites and residences as well as a SPA area with an outdoor infinity pool and lake access for hotel guests only. It also has its own boat mooring point and suites based on themes. Limousine services and chartered boats can be booked through the concierge.
    查看更多: + Park Hotel Vitznau