Hotels in 伯尔尼地区(Bern Region)

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  • 茨魏西门(Zweisimmen) Hamilton Lodge Zweisimmen 3 Stars

    查看更多: Hamilton Lodge Zweisimmen
  • Gunten Parkhotel Gunten 3 Stars

    查看更多: Parkhotel Gunten
  • Dürrenroth Romantik Hotel Bären Dürrenroth 3 Stars

    查看更多: Romantik Hotel Bären Dürrenroth
  • Schangnau Bumbach Hotel Kemmeriboden-Bad 3 Stars

    查看更多: Hotel Kemmeriboden-Bad
  • 布劳西 Hotel Blausee (Unique) 3 Stars

    查看更多: Hotel Blausee (Unique)
  • Guttannen Hotel und Naturresort Handeck 3 Stars

    查看更多: Hotel und Naturresort Handeck
6 结果 发现
  • Hamilton Lodge Zweisimmen

    Trendy lodge built above Zweisimmen in 2012, in an idyllic mountain location in the heart of nature. 23 lovingly furnished rooms, from the family-friendly multi-bed room to the deluxe room with free-standing bathtub. First-class spa with sauna landscape. Outstanding cuisine, large sun terrace. In direct proximity to ski piste, cable car and hiking trails. Ski in&out. WiFi. Seminar rooms. Wheelchair-friendly.
    查看更多: + Hamilton Lodge Zweisimmen
  • Parkhotel Gunten

    查看更多: + Parkhotel Gunten
  • Romantik Hotel Bären Dürrenroth

    Hotel with country inn in the Emmental. Stylish and sympathetically furnished rooms in the “Kreuz” guesthouse with 23 rooms and 7 suites, and a wellness centre with 4 different saunas and an outdoor hot tub. Seminar room in the “Belle Epoque” hall for up to 100 people. Culinary delights in the “Rother-Stube”, the “Säli”, the dining room, or the “Metzger-Stübli”. The “Gartenfenster” boutique with home accessories can be found in the farmhouse, which dates back to 1744.
    查看更多: + Romantik Hotel Bären Dürrenroth
  • Hotel Kemmeriboden-Bad

    Kemmeriboden-Bad宾馆有着长达150多年的历史,因此在接待游客方面有着悠久的传统。该宾馆是一所家族企业,代代相传至今。最初是一家温泉宾馆,现在不仅为游客提供休息放松的场所,我們提供所有類型的房間,雙人房的迷你套房,家庭房和多床間。 还将宾馆重新修复,在温馨舒适、配备着现代化设施的环境里为游客提供上好的餐饮服务。
    查看更多: + Hotel Kemmeriboden-Bad
  • Hotel Blausee (Unique)

    查看更多: + Hotel Blausee (Unique)