Event Planner

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  • Läckerli Huus

    在Läckerli Huus的“縱情世界”展覽感受令人開心的冒險。“Läckerli”餅幹是真正的巴塞爾特色美味,烘焙師的兒子亞曆克斯將帶領遊客踏上迷人的探索之旅。
    查看更多: + Läckerli Huus
  • Tschugga乳製品節目

    查看更多: + Tschugga乳製品節目
  • 阿爾卑斯山活動

    和您的客人共同歡慶難忘的派對。廚房中正在烹制精致的美味,您則在戶外參加令人興奮的非傳統活動。“URCHIG”Event-Gasthof Kulmerau——留下難忘美好回憶的最佳地點。在瑞士德語中,Urchig是“傳統”的意思。
    查看更多: + 阿爾卑斯山活動
  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland

    In Western Switzerland, the scavenger hunt is available in Lausanne and Jura. The fox invites you to search for tricky clues in both the Olympic capital and the hilly Jura. Participants must have all their wits about them and use various means of transport to keep up with the fox.
    查看更多: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland
  • Drumevent

    Give your company event an exotic note. With lots of energy, rythmn and fun, Stephan Rigert will introduce your team to the lively world of drumming.
    查看更多: + Drumevent
  • "Tatort" murder mystery

    Immerse yourself in a story wit plenty of fun, games and excitement. Each mystery game tells a different story that puts you and your guests at the centre of the action.
    查看更多: + "Tatort" murder mystery
  • Amazing Race Geneva

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    查看更多: + Amazing Race Geneva
  • 楚格湖巡遊

    查看更多: + 楚格湖巡遊
  • Alpine games team challenge

    A variety of team challenges with the potential to unlock positive emotions are on offer in the heart of the fascinating Jungfrau mountain region.
    查看更多: + Alpine games team challenge
  • The Kambly Experience

    The Kambly Experience at Trubschachen is an exciting venue for the senses, where visitors can discover the secrets behind the art of baking quality biscuits, explore the origins of Kambly and savour moments of sweet delight.
    查看更多: + The Kambly Experience
  • 莫爾特拉奇高山芝士

    查看更多: + 莫爾特拉奇高山芝士
  • 飲用水的生産

    瑞士未來能源(Energie Zukunft Schweiz)將組織遊客去了解瑞士不同城市的飲用水生産過程。
    查看更多: + 飲用水的生産
  • 盧加諾藝術文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)

    自2015年9月起,盧加諾藝術文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)爲來自瑞士南部的當代藝術創作提供了一個重要平台。提契諾建築師伊凡諾·吉亞諾拉(Ivano Gianola)設計的這座建築面積達2500平方米,還擁有一座可容納1000名觀衆的現代化劇院和音樂廳。
    查看更多: + 盧加諾藝術文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)
  • 納沙泰爾湖三湖暢遊

    查看更多: + 納沙泰爾湖三湖暢遊
  • 趣味森林

    查看更多: + 趣味森林
  • 芝味無窮 - l'Etivaz AOP

    因為這種產自沃州的萊提瓦芝士(l'Etivaz AOC),必須使用最新鮮的牛奶才能做成,所以它是直接在山上製造的。當然,去參觀製作過程的遊客是很無任歡迎的。
    查看更多: + 芝味無窮 - l'Etivaz AOP
  • Lake Walen Cruises

    On the 24 km² lake up to 145m deep and seldom warmer than 20°C between the steep rock faces of the Churfirsten mountains and the Sardona region, passenger boats run all year round, although in winter the service is limited to the connection from Murg to the remote town of Quinten.
    查看更多: + Lake Walen Cruises
  • Amazing Race St. Gallen

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    查看更多: + Amazing Race St. Gallen
  • 莫格諾 - 由馬里奧·博塔設計的山中教堂

    從外部看去,這幢大樓呈橢圓形,屋頂傾斜,黑白條紋相間。內部設計如西洋棋盤,黑白色相間,令人眼花繚亂。這個就是著名建築師馬里奧·博塔(Mario Botta)的設計作品-富西奧(Fusio)的聖施洗約翰教堂(Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista)。
    查看更多: + 莫格諾 - 由馬里奧·博塔設計的山中教堂
  • 芝士洞窟

    查看更多: + 芝士洞窟
  • 琉森湖划獨木舟路線上的樂趣

    遊客可以享受在琉森湖(Lake Lucerne)上泛舟的樂趣,感受吹拂臉頰上的清新空氣。在琉森湖的獨木舟路線上,不管是技藝嫻熟的獨木舟健兒,還是初學者,都能度過一段美好的時光。
    查看更多: + 琉森湖划獨木舟路線上的樂趣
  • Titlis glacier excursion

    The excursion up to Titlis - the only accessible glacier in Central Switzerland - is a real treat. The gondola Titlis Express leads up to the intermediate station. Then Titlis Rotair, the World's first revolving cablecar, continues all the way to the top.
    查看更多: + Titlis glacier excursion