Event Planner

You can find the perfect venue for your next business lunch, customer event, congress or outdoor event with your team in our new planning tool. Create a list of your favorites yourself. If you are looking for a suitable social program, browse our selection of nearly 1,000 activities.

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  • 盧加諾藝術文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)

    自2015年9月起,盧加諾藝術文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)爲來自瑞士南部的當代藝術創作提供了一個重要平台。提契諾建築師伊凡諾·吉亞諾拉(Ivano Gianola)設計的這座建築面積達2500平方米,還擁有一座可容納1000名觀衆的現代化劇院和音樂廳。
    查看更多: + 盧加諾藝術文化中心(LAC)(Lugano Arte e Cultura)