Cocktail Mix Workshop in Basel 巴塞爾 Basel 查看更多: Cocktail Mix Workshop in Basel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Amazing Race Zurich 蘇黎世 Zurich 查看更多: Amazing Race Zurich Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch 格林德瓦 Grindelwald 查看更多: Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Team activity “helldriver” 查看更多: Team activity “helldriver” Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Take a ride on a Grindelwald velogemel 格林德瓦 Grindelwald 查看更多: Take a ride on a Grindelwald velogemel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Three countries in one day 日內瓦 Geneva 查看更多: Three countries in one day Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
From restaurant to restaurant in the City of St. Gall 聖加侖 St. Gallen 查看更多: From restaurant to restaurant in the City of St. Gall Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Creative Workshop Warth-Weiningen 查看更多: Creative Workshop Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Vullierens Castle Vullierens 查看更多: Vullierens Castle Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
格魯耶爾城堡及其小鎮(Gruyères - Castle and Small Town) 格魯耶爾 La Gruyères 查看更多: 格魯耶爾城堡及其小鎮(Gruyères - Castle and Small Town) Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
克莱纳谢德格 - 滑雪初體驗 Kleine Scheidegg 查看更多: 克莱纳谢德格 - 滑雪初體驗 Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Jobin工廠的木牛雕刻精品 布里恩茨 Brienz 查看更多: Jobin工廠的木牛雕刻精品 Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
City tour on a vintage tram 巴塞爾 Basel 查看更多: City tour on a vintage tram Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Church of St. Martin – Sixtina of the Alps 齊利斯-Reischen 查看更多: Church of St. Martin – Sixtina of the Alps Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Watchmaking Experience - Alpina Watches & Frederique Constant 日內瓦 Geneva 查看更多: Watchmaking Experience - Alpina Watches & Frederique Constant Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
"Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S 蓬特雷西納 Pontresina 查看更多: "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Max Chocolatier 琉森 Lucerne 查看更多: Max Chocolatier Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Foxtrail – fun in Basel 巴塞爾 Basel 查看更多: Foxtrail – fun in Basel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Boat trip with wine seminar and cheese in Zurich 蘇黎世 Zurich 查看更多: Boat trip with wine seminar and cheese in Zurich Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
BikeAndWine Mendrisiotto 門德里西奧地區 Mendrisiotto 查看更多: BikeAndWine Mendrisiotto Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Gastro Team Challenge in Zürich 蘇黎世 Zurich 查看更多: Gastro Team Challenge in Zürich Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster 蘇黎世 Zurich 查看更多: 格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Rheinbadhaus Breite in Basel 巴塞爾 Basel 查看更多: Rheinbadhaus Breite in Basel Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Cocktail Mix Workshop in Basel Dive into the world of cocktails as a team. 查看更多: + Cocktail Mix Workshop in Basel
Amazing Race Zurich The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience. 查看更多: + Amazing Race Zurich
Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch Immerse yourself in the glacial world of the Jungfrau-Aletsch UNESCO World Heritage Site on a glacier hike and experience the magnificent alpine mountain landscape up close. 查看更多: + Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch
Team activity “helldriver” On your marks - get set - go. Compete against other teams and race remote-controlled cars around a race track. 查看更多: + Team activity “helldriver”
Take a ride on a Grindelwald velogemel The velogemel is a cross between a bicycle, a sled and skis – the ideal choice for fun in the snow, even though that wasn’t its original purpose. 查看更多: + Take a ride on a Grindelwald velogemel
奶酪火鍋之鄉——豐富多彩 迷人的景色和品種多樣的奶酪特色美食使豐富多彩的格施塔德地區可滿足客人們的各種期待,沒有比在群山環繞的奶酪火鍋之鄉格施塔德享用美味的奶酪火鍋更適宜的選擇了。 查看更多: + 奶酪火鍋之鄉——豐富多彩
Three countries in one day On a prime location right at the heart of Europe, Geneva offers the unique opportunity to visit 3 countries in one day. 查看更多: + Three countries in one day
From restaurant to restaurant in the City of St. Gall This “restaurant ramble” is an exciting and varied combination of city tour and culinary discoveries at various restaurants in the City of St. Gall. 查看更多: + From restaurant to restaurant in the City of St. Gall
Creative Workshop Forge plans, weld creative processes, paint ideas, saw out strategies and assemble new objectives: welcome to our extraordinary workshop of ideas! 查看更多: + Creative Workshop
Vullierens Castle Vullierens Castle, together with its magnificent gardens and sculpture park, constitutes one of Switzerland’s most remarkable heritage sites with a superb 180° view of the Alps, Mont Blanc and Lake Geneva. 查看更多: + Vullierens Castle
格魯耶爾城堡及其小鎮(Gruyères - Castle and Small Town) 格魯耶爾城堡(Castle of Gruyères)是位於高地上的城堡之一,能够俯瞰樸素的格魯耶爾小鎮。小鎮上有三個不同主題的博物館,分別是展覽格魯耶爾地區八百年歷史的文化博物館、奧斯卡得獎的異形博物館、以及佛教雕塑博物館。 查看更多: + 格魯耶爾城堡及其小鎮(Gruyères - Castle and Small Town)
金寶麗「餅乾列車」環遊 金寶麗環遊之旅將瑞士首都伯爾尼于琉森湖畔的琉森和因特拉肯連接在一起。參觀位于特魯布沙興的糖果店金寶麗體驗中心是這次旅程不容錯過的精彩亮點。 查看更多: + 金寶麗「餅乾列車」環遊
格裏芬湖巡遊 擺脫城市裏日常的煩擾壓力,來這裏好好的旅遊休息吧。您在這裏可以乘坐有100年古老曆史的明輪蒸汽輪船,或者3艘現代遊船。Greifen湖是名副其實的天堂,在那裏,您平日的煩惱會隨著湖浪的拍打慢慢消退,取而代之的是無窮無盡的快樂。 查看更多: + 格裏芬湖巡遊
City tour on a vintage tram Discover the city from a completely different perspective with a city tour on one of our popular vintage trams. 查看更多: + City tour on a vintage tram
Church of St. Martin – Sixtina of the Alps Martinskirche (St. Martin's Church) is found in the little village of Zillis in Graubuenden. The church is famous for its painted ceiling dating to the 12th century. The ceiling painting, which consists of 153 panels, is the only one in the world that is nearly completely preserved. 查看更多: + Church of St. Martin – Sixtina of the Alps
瑞士聯邦冰雪和雪崩研究所 在Weissfluhjoch/達沃斯(Davos)瑞士聯邦冰雪及雪崩研究所(Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research)報告中稱……「在冬季的幾個月中,這報告將會每天在電台廣播、電視、報紙網絡或是電話中發佈。每個冬天都有近五十萬個查詢或電話諮詢記錄。」 查看更多: + 瑞士聯邦冰雪和雪崩研究所
Watchmaking Experience - Alpina Watches & Frederique Constant Discover the exclusive universe of Swiss watchmaking and enter the realm of two innovative watch manufacturers. 查看更多: + Watchmaking Experience - Alpina Watches & Frederique Constant
"Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Pontresina: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees. 查看更多: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S
Foxtrail – fun in Basel The fox takes chasers on six different trails across Basel. But watch out, at the bend in the Rhine, foxes are up to every trick. The fox has to be caught before it leaps away over the border. 查看更多: + Foxtrail – fun in Basel
Boat trip with wine seminar and cheese in Zurich Experience the world of flavors of wine and cheese. 查看更多: + Boat trip with wine seminar and cheese in Zurich
BikeAndWine Mendrisiotto Welcome to Mendrisiotto, the southernmost region of Switzerland, known for its wine and gastronomy culture and for producing high-quality wines. 查看更多: + BikeAndWine Mendrisiotto
Gastro Team Challenge in Zürich Experience the world of culinary and table culture. 查看更多: + Gastro Team Challenge in Zürich
格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster 格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster是一座新教福音派教堂,位於蘇黎世舊城,是蘇黎世最著名的地標式建築之一。這座羅馬式教堂始建於1100年,之後經過了數次重建和裝修。 查看更多: + 格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster