All social programs in 格勞邦登州 Graubünden

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  • 米施泰爾的聖約翰本篤修院

    聞名遐邇的米施泰爾聖約翰本篤修院(Benedictie Convent of St. John, Müstair)已被列入聯合國教科文組織的世界文化遺産名錄。除此之外,這裡還有查理曼大帝(Charlemagne)許多珍貴的遺蹟。聖約翰修道院也是僅存爲數不多的法國卡洛林王朝時期風格建築。
    查看更多: + 米施泰爾的聖約翰本篤修院
  • Hire your own ski resort

    Exclusive skiing in Madrisa! End of March / beginning of April - you can hire the Madrisa ski resort on a daily basis for exclusive skiing by corporate and private groups. Invite friends, business partners and customers to enjoy a unique skiing experience along with a fine meal in Madrisa.
    查看更多: + Hire your own ski resort
  • Davos Färich Adventure Park

    This suspension rope and bike park is located on the Flüela Pass, right by the “Stilli” bus stop. Enjoy extraordinary thrills and spills on five courses with varying levels of difficulty. The children’s course perfectly tailored to younger visitors.
    查看更多: + Davos Färich Adventure Park
  • 團隊趣味遊戲

    參加者將組成團隊,在“難以捉摸的訓練”中檢驗自己,團隊在各種各樣的活動(例如射箭、蒙眼方格(Blind Square)等)比賽中得分。所有的活動都有指導者監督。難忘的美好體驗,充滿無限樂趣!
    查看更多: + 團隊趣味遊戲
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Davos Klosters

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Davos Klosters: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    查看更多: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Davos Klosters
  • 錫爾斯湖

    查看更多: + 錫爾斯湖
  • Cathedral of the Assumption

    The cathedral is a fitting symbol of the episcopal city of Chur. Somewhat plain from the outside, it impresses with its magnificent interior.
    查看更多: + Cathedral of the Assumption
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" im Val Müstair - Hotel Al Rom

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Engadin Samnaun: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    查看更多: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" im Val Müstair - Hotel Al Rom
  • Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences

    The Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences is located in Olivone (Blenio valley). Their goal is to support, coordinate and promote education and research in the field of biosciences.
    查看更多: + Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences
  • 魔塔拉山上滑雪橇

    查看更多: + 魔塔拉山上滑雪橇
  • 邁恩費爾德 - 海迪的世界

    邁恩費爾德(Maienfeld)位於格勞賓登州,這座小城激發了女詩人約翰娜·施皮里(Johanna Spyri)的創作靈感,寫下了她的名著「海迪」(Heidi)。在海迪村(Heidi village),海迪故事中的背景,那個快樂可愛,熱愛大自然的小孤女,好像變成真的一樣,再次出現大家眼前。
    查看更多: + 邁恩費爾德 - 海迪的世界
  • 塔米納峽谷和古老的普法費斯溫泉

    一個只有正午陽光才能照射到底的狹窄深谷,無數尋求健康者渴求去泡浸的岩洞溫泉,一個著名科學家曾於此作為第一個溫泉治療師為人治病,它就是瑞士的古老普法費斯溫泉(Bad Pfäfers)。比起古代,現時要前往那距離拉格斯(Bad Ragaz)大約十五分鐘路程的塔米納峽谷(Tamina Gorge),已容易得多。
    查看更多: + 塔米納峽谷和古老的普法費斯溫泉
  • 達沃斯-克洛斯特斯:滑雪初體驗

    查看更多: + 達沃斯-克洛斯特斯:滑雪初體驗
  • 瑞士聯邦冰雪和雪崩研究所

    在Weissfluhjoch/達沃斯(Davos)瑞士聯邦冰雪及雪崩研究所(Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research)報告中稱……「在冬季的幾個月中,這報告將會每天在電台廣播、電視、報紙網絡或是電話中發佈。每個冬天都有近五十萬個查詢或電話諮詢記錄。」
    查看更多: + 瑞士聯邦冰雪和雪崩研究所
  • Church of St. Martin – Sixtina of the Alps

    Martinskirche (St. Martin's Church) is found in the little village of Zillis in Graubuenden. The church is famous for its painted ceiling dating to the 12th century. The ceiling painting, which consists of 153 panels, is the only one in the world that is nearly completely preserved.
    查看更多: + Church of St. Martin – Sixtina of the Alps
  • "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Pontresina: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    查看更多: + "Kurz krampfa, lang laufa" in Pontresina - Hotel S
  • Ullius 藥劑店

    這家在Obertor的百年老藥店,很久以前已按著古老配方,生產名為Chur Röteli的櫻桃烈酒。
    查看更多: + Ullius 藥劑店
  • VIP Snow Night

    It is a picture icon of the Upper Engadine, the illuminated piste on Corvatsch. The 4.2-kilometre-long piste is the longest illuminated night piste in Switzerland. It can be rented for events and special occasions. Winter sports at night, plus a fine meal on the mountain – this is an unforgettable experience that only Corvatsch can offer.
    查看更多: + VIP Snow Night
  • 聖莫裏茨——滑雪初體驗

    查看更多: + 聖莫裏茨——滑雪初體驗
  • Tarasp Castle

    Scattered hamlets, in the midst of them 100-meter high rocks, a small lake, and above this the most imposing castle in Graubünden - this is Tarasp. Here the human endeavor to rule and the mighty nature of the Upper Engadine converge.
    查看更多: + Tarasp Castle
  • 魔女峰 - 具有魔力的山峰

    查看更多: + 魔女峰 - 具有魔力的山峰
  • 莫爾特拉奇高山芝士

    查看更多: + 莫爾特拉奇高山芝士
  • 艾拉自然公園(Parc Ela)的志願者活動

    查看更多: + 艾拉自然公園(Parc Ela)的志願者活動
  • “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” in Disentis Sedrun

    Cross-country skiing and working as a team can be beautifully combined in Disentis Sedrun: “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” (work hard, ski harder!) is the name of the service offered to companies wanting to host a special team event with their employees.
    查看更多: + “Kurz krampfa, lang laufa” in Disentis Sedrun