All social programs in 少女峰地區(Jungfrau Region)

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  • 雪朗峰 Schilthorn

    遊客在海拔2970公尺的雪朗峰可以360度欣賞包括艾格峰 Eiger、僧侶峰 Mönch和少女峰 Jungfrau (聯合國科教文組織世界遺產地)在內的“瑞士天際線”美景。
    查看更多: + 雪朗峰 Schilthorn
  • Live Escape Adventure

    MysteryRooms is a special Escape games, adventure games and team building events company. Whether for singles, couples, large groups, or corporate customers MysteryRooms develops special experience events that not only guarantee a high fun factor, but also promote team spirit and also require logical thinking.
    查看更多: + Live Escape Adventure
  • Eiger North Face Adventure – Stollenloch

    Fully equipped with helmet and climbing harness, you will summon the courage to tackle the Eiger North Face under the expert instruction of our registered mountain guides. The train to Jungfraujoch makes a special stop at the “Stollenloch”.
    查看更多: + Eiger North Face Adventure – Stollenloch
  • 伯爾尼高地巡遊

    查看更多: + 伯爾尼高地巡遊
  • 迪姆蒂格谷(Diemtigtal Nature Park)自然公園的志願者活動

    查看更多: + 迪姆蒂格谷(Diemtigtal Nature Park)自然公園的志願者活動
  • Amazing Race Interlaken

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    查看更多: + Amazing Race Interlaken
  • Alpine games team challenge

    A variety of team challenges with the potential to unlock positive emotions are on offer in the heart of the fascinating Jungfrau mountain region.
    查看更多: + Alpine games team challenge
  • 冒險活動和滑翔傘運動的天堂

    因特拉肯 Interlaken是最棒的娛樂和探險運動之地。對於滑翔傘運動迷來說,因特拉肯早就以其眾多的空中飛翔機會和幾乎全年都良好的飛行條件而聞名。
    查看更多: + 冒險活動和滑翔傘運動的天堂
  • 哈德庫爾姆

    查看更多: + 哈德庫爾姆
  • Igloo building

    Construct your very own igloo under the instruction of qualified experts. Each icy block is sawn from the packed snow and must be placed methodically and with great accuracy. How would you measure up to the Inuit?
    查看更多: + Igloo building
  • Fondue making - outdoor kitchen

    The OUTDOOR team has found the most beautiful places in the Jungfrau region where you can hold an outdoor cooking event. Each cooking group will be provided on site with the cooking utensils needed for a fondue and a corresponding recipe for its preparation.
    查看更多: + Fondue making - outdoor kitchen
  • 運動型的呂奇訥河

    查看更多: + 運動型的呂奇訥河
  • Schadau Castle

    Schadau Castle was built between 1846 and 1854 for the Neuchâtel banker Denis Alfred de Rougemont. The location of the castle, on the southern banks of Lake Thun where the River Aare flows out of the lake, and with its views of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, is almost as attractive as the architecture itself.
    查看更多: + Schadau Castle
  • Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch

    Immerse yourself in the glacial world of the Jungfrau-Aletsch UNESCO World Heritage Site on a glacier hike and experience the magnificent alpine mountain landscape up close.
    查看更多: + Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch
  • Eiger Grand Prix

    Creativity, team spirit, and above all fun and a certain air of nostalgia are the essence of this very special ‘Grand Prix’. Teams are presented with a basic frame and various additional materials, and have to work together to produce a colourful, working Go-cart. The culmination of this intensive team-building phase is the Eiger Grand Prix in which the handmade ‘racing cars’ will take to the course, and where the spectators can appraise the cars on their appearance, cruise control, and of course, their ability to pass the chequered flag! An inspiring competition for teams with a passion for driving and a sense of adventure!
    查看更多: + Eiger Grand Prix
  • 阿勒河巡遊

    查看更多: + 阿勒河巡遊
  • Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!

    Build a sledge from scratch using a variety of materials such as skis, wood, car tyres, upholstery, wire mesh or cardboard. Your team machine can be hammered, glued, cut and sawn until the finished sledge is ready for the initial safety check, and then given its very first test drive
    查看更多: + Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!