All social programs in 汝拉及三湖地區 Jura & Three-Lakes

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  • 指揮哈士奇

    A sled dog course for beginners and those who love the animals in the lovely scenery of Switzerland’s Alaska.
    查看更多: + 指揮哈士奇
  • Martel芝士工場

    Les Ponts-de-Martel的Martel芝士工場,其中的芝士乳製品、遊客參觀的展覽廊、酒吧和商店,都讓大家體驗汝拉和三湖地區(Jura and Three-Lakes region)的味道。
    查看更多: + Martel芝士工場
  • Réclère − 洞穴和史前公園 Grottos and Prehisto-Park

    遊覽Réclère洞穴和史前公園就像儒勒·凡爾納 Jules Verne's的"地心歷險記 Journey to the Center of the Earth"。遍佈石鐘乳和石筍的巨大溶洞為遊覽營造出必要氣氛,溶洞公園內栩栩如生的恐龍成為這迷人時光之旅最激動人心的高潮。
    查看更多: + Réclère − 洞穴和史前公園 Grottos and Prehisto-Park
  • 納沙泰爾湖三湖暢遊

    查看更多: + 納沙泰爾湖三湖暢遊
  • CIMIER鍾表學院

    查看更多: + CIMIER鍾表學院
  • Neuenburg castle and collegiate church

    Neuenburg Castle and the collegiate church have shaped the townscape of Neuenburg since the 12th century. The architecturally striking building complex is enthroned on a rocky outcrop above the city.
    查看更多: + Neuenburg castle and collegiate church
  • Boudry Castle

    A visit to the vine and wine museum in the imposing Château de Boudry is a must for all wine enthusiasts. This region has been home to vineyards and winegrowers for over two thousand years. Of the six million litres of wine produced in the Neuchâtel vineyards in the 17th and 18th centuries, around four million were consumed in the region itself.
    查看更多: + Boudry Castle
  • Cité du Temps

    The Cité du Temps – French for the City of Time – is nestled in the heart of Biel, the world's watchmaking capital. This special place entirely dedicated to time unites under one roof the playful, cheerful style of the brand Swatch and the luxurious character of Omega offering its visitors an opportunity to explore two different worlds of watchmaking represented in two museums: Omega Museum and Planet Swatch.
    查看更多: + Cité du Temps
  • 查榭哈峰(Chasseral)自然公園志願者活動

    查看更多: + 查榭哈峰(Chasseral)自然公園志願者活動
  • 製錶業歷史上的輝煌時刻

    瑞士手錶不僅是奢侈品。對前往諾因堡汝拉(Neuenburg Jura)、拉紹德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)和力洛克(Le Locle)探求鐘錶製造業輝煌歷史的遊客而言更是如此。在那兒,他們可以深入了解製錶藝術的秘密。
    查看更多: + 製錶業歷史上的輝煌時刻