All social programs in 日內瓦湖區 Lake Geneva Region (Vaud)

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  • 拉沃葡萄園

    查看更多: + 拉沃葡萄園
  • 奶酪快車

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  • Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland

    In Western Switzerland, the scavenger hunt is available in Lausanne and Jura. The fox invites you to search for tricky clues in both the Olympic capital and the hilly Jura. Participants must have all their wits about them and use various means of transport to keep up with the fox.
    查看更多: + Foxtrail – Puzzle fun in Western Switzerland
  • Visit of a brewery

    Brewery and brasserie situated in the heart of Lausanne, wellknown not only for its beer but also for its atmoshpere
    查看更多: + Visit of a brewery
  • 聖母大教堂 Notre-Dame Cathedral

    洛桑 Lausanne市舊城區有很多可以追溯到中世紀的建築物,例如,聖母大教堂 Cathedral of Notre-Dame。這座位於日內瓦湖畔 Lake Geneva的迷人城市,也為遊客提供很多樂趣,例如,瑞士第一條地底山地火車。
    查看更多: + 聖母大教堂 Notre-Dame Cathedral
  • 日內瓦湖上的遊船

    查看更多: + 日內瓦湖上的遊船
  • Fortress Vallorbe - World War II Site

    The Vaudoise town of Vallorbe lies in a valley basin of the river Orbe, directly on the French border. An inconspicuous chalet is nestled against the slope above Vallorbe. It is the disguised entrance to the fortress "Pré-Giroud".
    查看更多: + Fortress Vallorbe - World War II Site
  • Cooking workshop

    Le Fraisier" offers public and private cooking workshops for adults around a seasonal theme or product, followed by a meal altogether.
    查看更多: + Cooking workshop
  • Sightseeing Flight

    You will take off to fly with your family or friends and discover Lavaux, a UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Site and the Castle of Chillon.
    查看更多: + Sightseeing Flight
  • 鐘錶裡的世界

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  • Husky sled ride on Col des Mosses

    Although the Col des Mosses is generally a favourite destination for cross-country skiers, it is also a great place to explore from the back of a husky sled. Speeding through the winter wonderland to the happy barking of dogs is an experience that you won’t readily forget!
    查看更多: + Husky sled ride on Col des Mosses
  • 尋找松露

    查看更多: + 尋找松露
  • 乘火車遊覽葡萄園

    “葡萄園列車(Train des vignes)”沿著迷人的線路穿越拉沃台地的葡萄園,這片俯瞰日內瓦湖的葡萄園于2007年被聯合國教科文組織確定爲世界遺産地,遊客在這裏還可以眺望薩瓦和瓦萊州阿爾卑斯山的美景。
    查看更多: + 乘火車遊覽葡萄園
  • 用1馬力滑雪

    查看更多: + 用1馬力滑雪
  • Old City of Vevey

    The old city of Vevey is dotted with historical monuments and museums bearing witness to its rich heritage. In addition, a large variety of boutiques and craftsmen can be found in the narrow paved streets, displaying their know-how and wares.
    查看更多: + Old City of Vevey
  • Prangins 城堡

    普朗然城堡由居住在巴黎的瑞士銀行家Louis Guiguer于19世紀建造,曾經接待過伏爾泰、約瑟夫·波拿巴等名人。建築遠眺日內瓦湖,術語受到保護的曆史建築,景色宜人,瑞士國家博物館就坐落在這裏。
    查看更多: + Prangins 城堡
  • 追逐遊戲

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  • Vullierens Castle

    Vullierens Castle, together with its magnificent gardens and sculpture park, constitutes one of Switzerland’s most remarkable heritage sites with a superb 180° view of the Alps, Mont Blanc and Lake Geneva.
    查看更多: + Vullierens Castle
  • Stalactite cave and subterranean river

    The River Orbe created a fascinating cave system at the Vaudois town of Vallorbe. The tour leads visitors along the subterranean course of the Orbe (an outflow from the Vallée de Joux), passing by stalactites, stalagmites, drip-stone formations, columns and galleries. Once upon a time fairies that charmed young men were supposed to have lived here.
    查看更多: + Stalactite cave and subterranean river