Boudry葡萄與葡萄酒博物館 納沙泰爾 Neuchâtel 查看更多: Boudry葡萄與葡萄酒博物館 Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
Neuenburg castle and collegiate church 納沙泰爾 Neuchâtel 查看更多: Neuenburg castle and collegiate church Save As Favorite Remove From Favorites Close Watchlist
納沙泰爾湖三湖暢遊 趕快加入有趣的旅行去發現Neuenburger湖的精彩吧。在那裡你可以回歸自然,感受輕輕的波浪、難得的平靜和美味的食品。Neuenburger湖流域面積217平方公里,是瑞士境內最大的湖泊。 查看更多: + 納沙泰爾湖三湖暢遊
Neuenburg castle and collegiate church Neuenburg Castle and the collegiate church have shaped the townscape of Neuenburg since the 12th century. The architecturally striking building complex is enthroned on a rocky outcrop above the city. 查看更多: + Neuenburg castle and collegiate church