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  • 飲用水的生産

    瑞士未來能源(Energie Zukunft Schweiz)將組織遊客去了解瑞士不同城市的飲用水生産過程。
    查看更多: + 飲用水的生産
  • The Kambly Experience

    The Kambly Experience at Trubschachen is an exciting venue for the senses, where visitors can discover the secrets behind the art of baking quality biscuits, explore the origins of Kambly and savour moments of sweet delight.
    查看更多: + The Kambly Experience
  • 參觀枕頭制造商比勒貝克(billerbeck)

    瑞士比勒貝克股份公司(billerbeck Schweiz AG)是比勒貝克集團羽絨被和羽毛枕的主要生産企業。導遊陪同參觀工廠的活動頗受青睐,比勒貝克公司的團隊將非常高興歡迎您前來參觀。在這裏可以了解羽絨被或枕頭的制作過程。
    查看更多: + 參觀枕頭制造商比勒貝克(billerbeck)
  • Urban bees on Zurichs rooftops

    Participants encounter first-hand the bees of urban apiary Wabe3 on a roof in Zurich. At this event they can sense the life of honeybees, taste the honey from the city and round it up with a the wonderful view of the city.
    查看更多: + Urban bees on Zurichs rooftops
  • 制表工作坊

    在工作坊中接替制表師的工作。高級鍾表基金會(Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie,FHH)2005年在日內瓦創立,三家創辦者分別是曆峰集團、愛彼和芝柏,旨在推動高級制表業的國際化。
    查看更多: + 制表工作坊
  • 穆奧塔斯穆拉佑:正能源酒店(海拔2456米)

    查看更多: + 穆奧塔斯穆拉佑:正能源酒店(海拔2456米)
  • Morand白蘭地蒸餾廠

    Distillerie Morand is a family business established in Martigny in 1889. It is renowned for its excellent syrups and spirits, including the famous Williamine. Guided tours of the distillery are available.
    查看更多: + Morand白蘭地蒸餾廠
  • À Maurice Watch Workshop in Zurich

    Maurice the watch-whisperer invites: There aren’t many people who know the souls of things, …and even fewer can make these souls perceptible and tangible to others. Maurice can. If you also desire to belong to this chosen group, then you have to come to Maurice. “à Maurice”, from Maurice de Mauriac, is a meeting place for people who want to feel and to experience the soul of mechanical watches.
    查看更多: + À Maurice Watch Workshop in Zurich
  • 齊特鐘塔Zytturm

    齊特鐘塔(Zyt Tower)是琉森古城牆九個塔樓的其中一個,兩個巨大時鐘鑲嵌在塔上,而塔內還有九個古老時鐘。
    查看更多: + 齊特鐘塔Zytturm
  • Discover the Prosciutto dell’Alpe Piora on the alp

    A unique experience is waiting for you at Alp Piora: be enchanted by the traditions of alpine life and the secrets of its famous specialities. After a hike along the Lago Ritom nature trail, you and the master butchers of Ticinella (Rapelli SA) will discover the exclusive Prosciutto dell’Alpe Piora and the maturation cellar where the raw ham is gradually refined by the aromas of the high mountains. The visit is rounded off with an aperitif of typical Ticino specialities and wines.
    查看更多: + Discover the Prosciutto dell’Alpe Piora on the alp
  • Discover Montebello Castle and its salami

    A unique and unforgettable experience is waiting for you at Montebello Castle: make your very own Salame dei Castelli di Bellinzona and discover the secrets of this traditional Ticino speciality! The visit is rounded off with an aperitif of Ticino specialities and wines served in the fabulous castle garden.
    查看更多: + Discover Montebello Castle and its salami
  • 聯合國歐洲總部萬國宮

    日內瓦的聯合國辦事處是聯合國歐洲總部,另外一個聯合國總部設於紐約。這個建築群被稱為萬國宮(Palais des Nations),裡面設有聯合國人權理事會(UN Human Rights Council)以及聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處等機構。
    查看更多: + 聯合國歐洲總部萬國宮
  • Balik農場

    查看更多: + Balik農場
  • 製錶業歷史上的輝煌時刻

    瑞士手錶不僅是奢侈品。對前往諾因堡汝拉(Neuenburg Jura)、拉紹德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)和力洛克(Le Locle)探求鐘錶製造業輝煌歷史的遊客而言更是如此。在那兒,他們可以深入了解製錶藝術的秘密。
    查看更多: + 製錶業歷史上的輝煌時刻
  • Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences

    The Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences is located in Olivone (Blenio valley). Their goal is to support, coordinate and promote education and research in the field of biosciences.
    查看更多: + Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences
  • Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!

    Build a sledge from scratch using a variety of materials such as skis, wood, car tyres, upholstery, wire mesh or cardboard. Your team machine can be hammered, glued, cut and sawn until the finished sledge is ready for the initial safety check, and then given its very first test drive
    查看更多: + Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!
  • 從廢物到能源

    查看更多: + 從廢物到能源
  • Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum

    At the Open-Air Museum Ballenberg you can explore over 100 historic buildings from all over Switzerland. What stories do these buildings tell? Try out old crafts, get up close and personal with our farm animals, browse through the specialty shops and stop off at the cozy restaurants.
    查看更多: + Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum
  • Creative Workshop

    Forge plans, weld creative processes, paint ideas, saw out strategies and assemble new objectives: welcome to our extraordinary workshop of ideas!
    查看更多: + Creative Workshop
  • 瑞士聯邦冰雪和雪崩研究所

    在Weissfluhjoch/達沃斯(Davos)瑞士聯邦冰雪及雪崩研究所(Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research)報告中稱……「在冬季的幾個月中,這報告將會每天在電台廣播、電視、報紙網絡或是電話中發佈。每個冬天都有近五十萬個查詢或電話諮詢記錄。」
    查看更多: + 瑞士聯邦冰雪和雪崩研究所