All social programs - Spring

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  • 萊茵河巡遊

    查看更多: + 萊茵河巡遊
  • Foxtrail – fun in Basel

    The fox takes chasers on six different trails across Basel. But watch out, at the bend in the Rhine, foxes are up to every trick. The fox has to be caught before it leaps away over the border.
    查看更多: + Foxtrail – fun in Basel
  • Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch

    Immerse yourself in the glacial world of the Jungfrau-Aletsch UNESCO World Heritage Site on a glacier hike and experience the magnificent alpine mountain landscape up close.
    查看更多: + Glacier Adventure on Jungfraujoch
  • Amazing Race Zurich

    The Amazing Race is the first real-time photo rally! Over 50 photo missions are waiting to be solved. A healthy dose of exercise and challenge combined with lots of fun will create a unique digital team experience.
    查看更多: + Amazing Race Zurich
  • 奶酪火鍋之鄉——豐富多彩

    查看更多: + 奶酪火鍋之鄉——豐富多彩
  • 格魯耶爾城堡及其小鎮(Gruyères - Castle and Small Town)

    格魯耶爾城堡(Castle of Gruyères)是位於高地上的城堡之一,能够俯瞰樸素的格魯耶爾小鎮。小鎮上有三個不同主題的博物館,分別是展覽格魯耶爾地區八百年歷史的文化博物館、奧斯卡得獎的異形博物館、以及佛教雕塑博物館。
    查看更多: + 格魯耶爾城堡及其小鎮(Gruyères - Castle and Small Town)
  • Vullierens Castle

    Vullierens Castle, together with its magnificent gardens and sculpture park, constitutes one of Switzerland’s most remarkable heritage sites with a superb 180° view of the Alps, Mont Blanc and Lake Geneva.
    查看更多: + Vullierens Castle
  • 格裏芬湖巡遊

    查看更多: + 格裏芬湖巡遊
  • Cité du Temps

    The Cité du Temps – French for the City of Time – is nestled in the heart of Biel, the world's watchmaking capital. This special place entirely dedicated to time unites under one roof the playful, cheerful style of the brand Swatch and the luxurious character of Omega offering its visitors an opportunity to explore two different worlds of watchmaking represented in two museums: Omega Museum and Planet Swatch.
    查看更多: + Cité du Temps
  • Stalactite cave and subterranean river

    The River Orbe created a fascinating cave system at the Vaudois town of Vallorbe. The tour leads visitors along the subterranean course of the Orbe (an outflow from the Vallée de Joux), passing by stalactites, stalagmites, drip-stone formations, columns and galleries. Once upon a time fairies that charmed young men were supposed to have lived here.
    查看更多: + Stalactite cave and subterranean river
  • Curious and historic Tales from Basel

    Our special offers for groups give you and your guests a unique experience in and around Basel. Whether sporty, cultural or culinary, Basel Tourism has the perfect offering for your event. As your contact partner, we’ll assist you with all of your wishes and questions. Leave the organization of your team event to us and book one of our diverse experience packages for groups.
    查看更多: + Curious and historic Tales from Basel
  • BikeAndWine Mendrisiotto

    Welcome to Mendrisiotto, the southernmost region of Switzerland, known for its wine and gastronomy culture and for producing high-quality wines.
    查看更多: + BikeAndWine Mendrisiotto
  • 從廢物到能源

    查看更多: + 從廢物到能源
  • 格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster

    格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster是一座新教福音派教堂,位於蘇黎世舊城,是蘇黎世最著名的地標式建築之一。這座羅馬式教堂始建於1100年,之後經過了數次重建和裝修。
    查看更多: + 格羅斯大教堂 Grossmünster
  • 愛蒙塔爾 Emmental的芝士/起士工場

    佔地17,500平方公尺的展覽乳品廠 - 通過在火爐旁或是在現代的銅質大鍋裡製作芝士/起士 - 讓您近距離觀察著名的愛蒙塔爾AOC芝士/起士的製作方法。
    查看更多: + 愛蒙塔爾 Emmental的芝士/起士工場
  • Short Tour

    On this short tour of discovery through the former production facility of a large bakery, participants can learn about innovations in the food industry.
    查看更多: + Short Tour
  • 邁恩費爾德 - 海迪的世界

    邁恩費爾德(Maienfeld)位於格勞賓登州,這座小城激發了女詩人約翰娜·施皮里(Johanna Spyri)的創作靈感,寫下了她的名著「海迪」(Heidi)。在海迪村(Heidi village),海迪故事中的背景,那個快樂可愛,熱愛大自然的小孤女,好像變成真的一樣,再次出現大家眼前。
    查看更多: + 邁恩費爾德 - 海迪的世界