All social programs - Spring

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  • Cheese Werkstatt

    In Zurich’s first city dairy, visitors gain an insight into this fascinating craft and even get to make their own Swiss cheese.
    查看更多: + Cheese Werkstatt
  • Magdalena隱士居所

    查看更多: + Magdalena隱士居所
  • 蘇黎世湖上的輪船

    查看更多: + 蘇黎世湖上的輪船
  • Jegenstorf Castle

    In the heart of Switzerland, just a stone’s throw from the capital Bern and set amid a paradisiacal park, lies Baroque Castle Jegenstorf. Inside, the former Bernese patrician country estate boasts all kinds of treasures and gems, with tales to take visitors of all ages on a magical journey back in time.
    查看更多: + Jegenstorf Castle
  • 製錶業歷史上的輝煌時刻

    瑞士手錶不僅是奢侈品。對前往諾因堡汝拉(Neuenburg Jura)、拉紹德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)和力洛克(Le Locle)探求鐘錶製造業輝煌歷史的遊客而言更是如此。在那兒,他們可以深入了解製錶藝術的秘密。
    查看更多: + 製錶業歷史上的輝煌時刻
  • KICKER fun – the table football tournament

    We’ll bring the football championship to you at your hotel, in your workplace or your favourite restaurant. But before the action on the pitch can begin, a little bit of mental work, creativity and skill is required beforehand.
    查看更多: + KICKER fun – the table football tournament
  • Team Werkstatt

    A workshop away from the office is the ideal opportunity for coming up with new ideas and reviewing past activities.
    查看更多: + Team Werkstatt
  • Golf lesson on Golf Sempach

    Discover the fascinating world of golf with your employees or customers. Under the qualified guidance of the experienced golf professionals, you will make your first tee-offs in a scenically beautiful location and be introduced to the secrets of golf.
    查看更多: + Golf lesson on Golf Sempach
  • Titlis glacier excursion

    The excursion up to Titlis - the only accessible glacier in Central Switzerland - is a real treat. The gondola Titlis Express leads up to the intermediate station. Then Titlis Rotair, the World's first revolving cablecar, continues all the way to the top.
    查看更多: + Titlis glacier excursion
  • Arenenberg Castle and the Napoleonic Museum

    Perched high above Lake Constance and nestled in large parklands, this elegantly furnished castle was once the residence of the last emperor of France. In what is now the Napoleonic Museum, the original furnishings have been preserved, and the palace gardens have recently been restored.
    查看更多: + Arenenberg Castle and the Napoleonic Museum
  • 莫格諾 - 由馬里奧·博塔設計的山中教堂

    從外部看去,這幢大樓呈橢圓形,屋頂傾斜,黑白條紋相間。內部設計如西洋棋盤,黑白色相間,令人眼花繚亂。這個就是著名建築師馬里奧·博塔(Mario Botta)的設計作品-富西奧(Fusio)的聖施洗約翰教堂(Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista)。
    查看更多: + 莫格諾 - 由馬里奧·博塔設計的山中教堂
  • 聯合國歐洲總部萬國宮

    日內瓦的聯合國辦事處是聯合國歐洲總部,另外一個聯合國總部設於紐約。這個建築群被稱為萬國宮(Palais des Nations),裡面設有聯合國人權理事會(UN Human Rights Council)以及聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處等機構。
    查看更多: + 聯合國歐洲總部萬國宮
  • Live Escape Adventure

    MysteryRooms is a special Escape games, adventure games and team building events company. Whether for singles, couples, large groups, or corporate customers MysteryRooms develops special experience events that not only guarantee a high fun factor, but also promote team spirit and also require logical thinking.
    查看更多: + Live Escape Adventure
  • 雪朗峰 Schilthorn

    遊客在海拔2970公尺的雪朗峰可以360度欣賞包括艾格峰 Eiger、僧侶峰 Mönch和少女峰 Jungfrau (聯合國科教文組織世界遺產地)在內的“瑞士天際線”美景。
    查看更多: + 雪朗峰 Schilthorn
  • 歐洲海拔最高的18洞高爾夫球場

    查看更多: + 歐洲海拔最高的18洞高爾夫球場