Seminars that stand out in 瑞士東部 / 列支敦士登 Eastern Switzerland / Liechtenstein

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  • Warth-Weiningen Hotel Kartause Ittingen 3 Stars

    查看更多: Hotel Kartause Ittingen
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  • Hotel Kartause Ittingen

    A former monastery set in the Thur landscape and just a few minutes away from Frauenfeld and Lake Constance. 68 hotel rooms in a simple, modern atmosphere ensure a pleasant night's sleep. The historic rooms, farm and extensive gardens are a stylish setting for all occasions. The restaurant and farm shop sell products grown on the premises: baked goods, flowers, meat, vegetables, cheese, wine and trout from the hotel's farm. Museums, bowling alley and a bar in a former cowshed.
    查看更多: + Hotel Kartause Ittingen