All social programs en Berna Región

121 Resultados encontrado

121 Resultados encontrado

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121 Resultados encontrado
  • Eiger Grand Prix

    Creativity, team spirit, and above all fun and a certain air of nostalgia are the essence of this very special ‘Grand Prix’. Teams are presented with a basic frame and various additional materials, and have to work together to produce a colourful, working Go-cart. The culmination of this intensive team-building phase is the Eiger Grand Prix in which the handmade ‘racing cars’ will take to the course, and where the spectators can appraise the cars on their appearance, cruise control, and of course, their ability to pass the chequered flag! An inspiring competition for teams with a passion for driving and a sense of adventure!
    Más información sobre: + Eiger Grand Prix
  • Castillo de Jegenstorf

    En el corazón de Suiza, a unos pasos de la capital y en medio de un paradisíaco parque, se encuentra el castillo barroco de Jegenstorf. En el interior de esta antigua finca patricia bernesa, aguardan a los visitantes de todas las edades tesoros, hallazgos e historias.
    Más información sobre: + Castillo de Jegenstorf
  • Woodturning course, shape unique pieces of wood together

    Transform a simple, angular piece of wood into a creative masterpiece. You will be introduced to the art of woodturning and learn how to sharpen tools and treat surfaces. You don't just watch, but also put simple woodturning techniques into practice on the professional woodturning lathes.
    Más información sobre: + Woodturning course, shape unique pieces of wood together
  • Papercutting – magic in every cut

    Discover the magical world of papercutting. Under the guidance by an experienced course leader, you will create your first artistic papercutting. The prerequisites for the fine details are patience and precise work. Each work of art created is framed and becomes a souvenir. The cure not only teaches traditional artistic handicrafts, but also creates an inspiring environment to strengthen teamwork.
    Más información sobre: + Papercutting – magic in every cut
  • Con una barca en el Aar

    El Aar entre Uttigen y Berna es especialmente apreciado para realizar excursiones en barco de todo tipo. Es un acceso «algo distinto» a Berna, la capital suiza. Los humedales ofrecen una exuberante naturaleza virgen y aislamiento en medio de un paisaje densamente poblado.
    Más información sobre: + Con una barca en el Aar
  • Trauffer - private carving and painting courses

    To the carving knives, ready, go! Would you like to learn how to carve the iconic Trauffer wooden cow yourself? Attach the horns, ears and bell and even paint on the funny spots yourself? Our experienced carvers and painters will be happy to teach you all this. Groups of 15 or more can book this unique event at Trauffer Erlebniswelt.
    Más información sobre: + Trauffer - private carving and painting courses
  • Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!

    Build a sledge from scratch using a variety of materials such as skis, wood, car tyres, upholstery, wire mesh or cardboard. Your team machine can be hammered, glued, cut and sawn until the finished sledge is ready for the initial safety check, and then given its very first test drive
    Más información sobre: + Sledge building - Creative team fun with a top test-run!