All social programs en Berna Región

121 Resultados encontrado

121 Resultados encontrado

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121 Resultados encontrado
  • Cité du Temps

    The Cité du Temps – French for the City of Time – is nestled in the heart of Biel, the world's watchmaking capital. This special place entirely dedicated to time unites under one roof the playful, cheerful style of the brand Swatch and the luxurious character of Omega offering its visitors an opportunity to explore two different worlds of watchmaking represented in two museums: Omega Museum and Planet Swatch.
    Más información sobre: + Cité du Temps
  • En piragua por el lago de Thun

    De mayo a septiembre, descubra la orilla sur del lago de Thun en canoa. Simplemente elija el punto de partida y viva una emocionante aventura en el lago. Por la tarde podrá devolver la canoa en cualquiera de los puntos de alquiler.
    Más información sobre: + En piragua por el lago de Thun
  • Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum

    At the Open-Air Museum Ballenberg you can explore over 100 historic buildings from all over Switzerland. What stories do these buildings tell? Try out old crafts, get up close and personal with our farm animals, browse through the specialty shops and stop off at the cozy restaurants.
    Más información sobre: + Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum
  • Flag Throwing

    The remarkable calmness that radiates from a Flag thrower as they effortlessly swirl their fluttering flags through the air belies the technical training of a professional Flag thrower, who has mastered 99 different ‘swings’, with both their left and right hands, whilst making it all look so incredibly easy...
    Más información sobre: + Flag Throwing
  • Recorrido Circular de Kambly

    El recorrido Kambly une, en el lago de Lucerna e Interlaken, la capital suiza, Berna, con Lucerna. Una de las visitas más atractivas es en la confitería del Universo Kambly en Trubschachen.
    Más información sobre: + Recorrido Circular de Kambly
  • Cow Carving at Jobin's Factory

    This Hands on Event starts with a guided tour through the national Swiss Woodcarving Museum. Well equipped with traditional woodcarving tools , you can carve, design and decorate your own wooden cow - a memorable piece of art. You will receive a personal certificate and a snack of Swiss wine and cheese.
    Más información sobre: + Cow Carving at Jobin's Factory
  • Weaving jewellery, a creative break

    Revive the old artistic handicrafts and create unique handmade jewellery from wire or horsehair. During the course, you will learn the various techniques and patterns of jewellery weaving and create true masterpieces. Experience not only the creative side of jewellery weaving, but also its relaxing effect. A perfect experience to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and be creative together.
    Más información sobre: + Weaving jewellery, a creative break