Alle sociale programma's

732 Resultaten gevonden

732 Resultaten gevonden
732 Resultaten gevonden
  • Igloo building

    Construct your very own igloo under the instruction of qualified experts. Each icy block is sawn from the packed snow and must be placed methodically and with great accuracy. How would you measure up to the Inuit?
    Meer info over: + Igloo building
  • Fondue making - outdoor kitchen

    The OUTDOOR team has found the most beautiful places in the Jungfrau region where you can hold an outdoor cooking event. Each cooking group will be provided on site with the cooking utensils needed for a fondue and a corresponding recipe for its preparation.
    Meer info over: + Fondue making - outdoor kitchen
  • From Sewage to Clean Water

    See how the experts from ERZ (Zurich Disposal and Recycling Services) cleanse between 150,000 and 500,000 cubic meters of sewage water and where it’s released back into the Limmat River as clean water.
    Meer info over: + From Sewage to Clean Water
  • Loco, de belangrijkste antieke plaats

    Loco, het centrum van de strovlechterij in de Onsernone, was in de middeleeuwen de belangrijkste plaats van het rond het jaar 1000 gestichte "Comune di Onsernone“ . Tegenwoordig is de plaats vooral bekend door het ‘Museo onsernonese’ en de molen.
    Meer info over: + Loco, de belangrijkste antieke plaats
  • E-Scooter Tour

    Discover the city of Zug comfortably by e-scooter! On this tour you will be guided environmentally friendly and quietly to various sights in Zug.
    Meer info over: + E-Scooter Tour
  • Mountain hut experience

    After a snack of down-to-earth fare, Franz Toni initiates his Rigi guests into the secrets of cheesemaking. Participants get to make authentic Rigi alpine cheese under expert guidance. In the evening, the guests enjoy a rustic alpine barbecue near the mountain hut. The next morning, the enterprising spirits wake to a generous alpine breakfast.
    Meer info over: + Mountain hut experience
  • Trafo Baden - Halls + Hotel

    The Trafo Baden, originally a transformer assembly hall dating back to the 1920s, is a prime example of effective building conversion in conjunction with new construction.
    Meer info over: + Trafo Baden - Halls + Hotel
  • Alpine Biology Center Piora

    The Center is is suitable for courses in alpine ecology and hydrobiology, living nature, as well as laboratory work, seminars, workshops and conferences. The contents of scientific and educational courses must be determined by the organizing institutions or universities.
    Meer info over: + Alpine Biology Center Piora
  • Didactic trail in the Robiei dam

    A tunnel inside the Robiei dam has been opened to the public to allow visitors to see from inside the installations that have profoundly changed the landscape of the Bavona Valley.
    Meer info over: + Didactic trail in the Robiei dam
  • Fatbiking

    Fietsen is niet meer uitsluitend voorbehouden aan het warme jaargetijde. De nieuwe trend “Fatbiking” verovert de winter en is een interessante training voor actievelingen, maar biedt ook gezellige tochten voor levensgenieters. Op dikke banden gaat het veilig en met veel plezier door de sneeuw.
    Meer info over: + Fatbiking
  • Atzmännig Klimpark

    Het Atzmännig Klimpark zorgt voor spanning en vermaak op gepaste hoogte. Acht parcoursen van verschillende moeilijkheidsgraden vereisen behendigheid en concentratievermogen.
    Meer info over: + Atzmännig Klimpark
  • Digital Detox and Clean-up Day, and sustainable culture, on Monte Generoso

    Love the natural environment? Plan a Digital Detox day immersed in the nature of Monte Generoso! Roll up your sleeves and take practical action by helping clean up the green areas around the ‘Fiore di pietra’ [‘Stone Flower’] building, while enjoying the breathtaking view. And then immerse yourself in sustainable culture by visiting the Giacomo Braglia exhibition, ‘Conversations with Sustainability’.
    Meer info over: + Digital Detox and Clean-up Day, and sustainable culture, on Monte Generoso
  • Help us protect the narcissus

    The narcissus is the iconic flower of the Montreux Riviera! Each spring, they put on a show for visitors and locals alike. Unfortunately, “the snow of May” – as the spectacle is locally known – is getting rarer, as narcissus numbers have been decreasing since the 1960s.
    Meer info over: + Help us protect the narcissus
  • Rougement - traditional

    Rougemont is an unspoilt traditional village in the valley of the Pays d’Enhaut, whose gentle landscape is home to an exceptional variety of local fl ora and fauna.
    Meer info over: + Rougement - traditional
  • Höllgrotten cave tour

    Discover the mysterious stalactite caverns near Baar. These impressive stalactite caves were formed in the heart of the wild and romantic Lorze ravine.
    Meer info over: + Höllgrotten cave tour
  • Team Fun Games

    Participants form into teams to test themselves in „tricky disciplines“. The teams compete for points at various events (e.g. archery, Blind Square, etc.). All events are supervised by guides. Plenty of fun and memorable experiences guaranteed!
    Meer info over: + Team Fun Games
  • Lac de Joux

    De koele, fascinerende schoonheid van het Joux-dal brengt iedere bezoeker in verrukking. In het noord-westen van het Canton de Vaud ligt het Lac de Joux in het gelijknamige hoogdal. Het water stroomt alleen onderaards uit dit meer weg. Een motorboot vaart's zomers tussen Le Pont en het bovenste eind van het meer.
    Meer info over: + Lac de Joux
  • Urban Gardening

    Discover the nature-oriented team event: Urban Gardening! Experience an enriching time with your team while learning about rosemary, thyme, tomatoes and many other herbs.
    Meer info over: + Urban Gardening