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6 Results Znalezione

6 Results Znalezione

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6 Results Znalezione
  • Zamek Chillon

    Na skale przy brzegu Jeziora Genewskiego znajduje się zamek Chillon. Wodny zamek jest najczęściej odwiedzanym historycznym budynkiem w Szwajcarii. Prawie przez cztery stulecia zamek Chillon był siedzibą i oficjalnym posterunkiem celnym Sabaudczyków.
    Find out more about: + Zamek Chillon
  • SwissTech Convention Center

    Opened in April 2014, the SwissTech Convention Center rapidly became the place to organize events in Switzerland. Its unique design and modularity with all new technologies, a sustainable building which produces renewable energies are making it a must. Located at the center of Europe, surrounded by a dynamic and motivating academic environment, easily accessible by public transport and providing excellent services. All these points will convince the most experienced organizers.
    Find out more about: + SwissTech Convention Center
  • Chaplin’s World by Grévin

    On the former country estate of the Chaplin family, "Manoir de Ban" in Corsier-sur-Vevey, a whole new world around the man with the bowler hat has been opened. And it’s here in the manor house with huge park that visitors learn of his private life while in the new building focus is on Chaplin’s artistic works.
    Find out more about: + Chaplin’s World by Grévin
  • Muzeum Olimpijskie

    Dzięki najnowszym technikom komputerowym i mediom audiowizualnym można doświadczyć atmosfery igrzysk olimpijskich z bliska, dzielić emocje ze sportowcami i poznać historię igrzysk od antyku do czasów współczesnych: to oferuje Muzeum Olimpijskie w Lozannie.
    Find out more about: + Muzeum Olimpijskie
  • 2m2c Montreux Music & Convention Centre

    With its panoramic view of Lake Geneva and the Alps, the Montreux Music & Convention Centre (2m2c) enjoys a unique setting in the heart of both Switzerland and Europe. Its 18,000 square metres of flexible, multifunctional spaces facilitate the organization of professional and cultural events for up to 2,000 conference delegates and 3,500 concert-goers. Its proximity to rail networks, hotels, the Casino and many shops and restaurants makes it a perfect location for international events, the most famous of which is undoubtedly the annual Jazz Festival, which welcomes a quarter of a million visitors over sixteen days. Other notable events include the International Recruitment Forum, staged here since 2011, and the Geneva II Conference press centre.
    Find out more about: + 2m2c Montreux Music & Convention Centre