All social programs in 伯恩地區 Bern Region

59 結果 發現

59 結果 發現

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59 結果 發現
  • 奶酪火鍋之鄉——豐富多彩

    查看更多: + 奶酪火鍋之鄉——豐富多彩
  • 金寶麗「餅乾列車」環遊

    查看更多: + 金寶麗「餅乾列車」環遊
  • 阿爾卑斯山文化;在高山農場體驗農活

    查看更多: + 阿爾卑斯山文化;在高山農場體驗農活
  • 運動型的呂奇訥河

    查看更多: + 運動型的呂奇訥河
  • Cité du Temps

    The Cité du Temps – French for the City of Time – is nestled in the heart of Biel, the world's watchmaking capital. This special place entirely dedicated to time unites under one roof the playful, cheerful style of the brand Swatch and the luxurious character of Omega offering its visitors an opportunity to explore two different worlds of watchmaking represented in two museums: Omega Museum and Planet Swatch.
    查看更多: + Cité du Temps
  • Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum

    At the Open-Air Museum Ballenberg you can explore over 100 historic buildings from all over Switzerland. What stories do these buildings tell? Try out old crafts, get up close and personal with our farm animals, browse through the specialty shops and stop off at the cozy restaurants.
    查看更多: + Guided Tour - Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum
  • Fondue making - outdoor kitchen

    The OUTDOOR team has found the most beautiful places in the Jungfrau region where you can hold an outdoor cooking event. Each cooking group will be provided on site with the cooking utensils needed for a fondue and a corresponding recipe for its preparation.
    查看更多: + Fondue making - outdoor kitchen
  • Cheese factory Miggi

    The cheese secrets are given from generation to generation - and the fresh herbs are an important ingredient to a good cheese.
    查看更多: + Cheese factory Miggi
  • Igloo building

    Construct your very own igloo under the instruction of qualified experts. Each icy block is sawn from the packed snow and must be placed methodically and with great accuracy. How would you measure up to the Inuit?
    查看更多: + Igloo building
  • 甘特裏施(Gantrisch)自然公園的志願者活動

    瑞士公園與希望其雇員能爲環保做出貢獻的公司定期組織志願者戶外活動。新鮮的空氣讓每個人收益 ——公司又重新獲得了充滿幹勁和熱情的員工,同事們一起去做好事,一起歡笑,盡情開心,夜晚將心安理得地進入甜美的夢鄉。
    查看更多: + 甘特裏施(Gantrisch)自然公園的志願者活動
  • 哈德庫爾姆

    查看更多: + 哈德庫爾姆
  • Grabenmühle - prospecting for gold - trout fishing

    In Grabenmühle Sigriswil almost fairytale adventure kindles the hearts of both big and small. This nature park is home to stags, reindeer, mouflon sheep and alpacas - and with a little luck you may even discover gold!
    查看更多: + Grabenmühle - prospecting for gold - trout fishing
  • CIMIER鍾表學院

    查看更多: + CIMIER鍾表學院
  • 冒險活動和滑翔傘運動的天堂

    因特拉肯 Interlaken是最棒的娛樂和探險運動之地。對於滑翔傘運動迷來說,因特拉肯早就以其眾多的空中飛翔機會和幾乎全年都良好的飛行條件而聞名。
    查看更多: + 冒險活動和滑翔傘運動的天堂